What Does it Mean to be Carbon Neutral?
No, really… Let’s start off with a fun fact, except there isn’t any fun in this fact (sorry). Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, humans have released more than 2 trillion metric tonnes of greenhouse gasses into the earth’s atmosphere. Mind = blown 🤯 Alright, now let’s talk about what we can do to […]
4 Things you Already Have in your Fridge that Improve your Gut Health
Listen, we get it. You want your gut health to improve and you don’t want to drop a lot of $$$. Totally fair! You might be surprised to learn that some everyday items you already have at home can help your tummy out. So let’s dig through the back of that pantry you’ve been avoiding […]
Can I Get Drunk Off Kombucha?
Our short answer: Realistically, no. You would have to drink copious – and I mean copious – amounts of booch to feel any effects of inebriation. This can be good or bad news it, just depends on who’s asking ???? But how is this possible you ask? Well, it’s actually pretty simple. The process of […]
What is Kombucha?
No really, what is kombucha? Kombucha seems to be popping up everywhere. From your local farmer’s market to your neighbourhood grocery store. But yet so many people seem to ask, what is kombucha? Where’d it come from? Kombucha is a health beverage that originated in Northeast China (historically referred to as Manchuria) around 220 B.C. […]